Start Scheduling Online Today

Access all features. No Confusing Pricing Tiers

$20 USD per month, per venue

Simple Pricing

No hidden fees, no upsells. Just $20 per month, per venue. 

FREE 14 day trial. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Frequently asked questions

Below are some common questions and answers for new Urhere customers. We’re always available if you would like to know more. Simply click the chat button below or use our contact form.

None! You can have add as many as you like. It’s a simple flat $20 USD rate per venue / business.

Everything is included. There are no pricing tiers in Urhere.

It’s easy. Simply print your unique QR code available from your roster. Employees scan it from the Urhere mobile app to check-in and out. You can read more about the QR Check-in process here

It’s easy to set staff permissions once you have added them to the platform. For multi venue customers, you can management rights to individual locations.

Yes! Wages are easy to setup and easy to change. Wage calculations are calculated as you roster so you have a real time view of how much you’re forecast to spending and your actual spend. Timesheets are also calculated automatically, however can be overwritten as required.

Scheduling online digitises and automates Time and Attendance. It’s an alternative to the traditional time clocks and timecards which require manual entry and often the manual distribution of shifts and timesheets.

A timeclock is an interface that allows staff members to clock in and out. This can be done through any device (PC, Tablet, Mobile Phone) or QR Code. It provides businesses with the ability to reduce costs associated with purchasing hardware, infrastructure set up, installation, upgrading and maintenance of dedicated hardware.

Save money by using our unique QR code timeclock!

We absolutely provide support! You catch us anytime via email, phone or support chat.