As the account owner, you will automatically have manager access to all of your locations via the Urhere mobile app. You can also allow managers within your business to have rostering editing rights within the app. This is covered under “Managers Access” in this article.
Download The Urhere App from the app store #
Go to the App Store or Google Play, search “urhere” and download the app.

Once you have downloaded the app, simply login using the email address and password you set on the urhere website.
App Features – Check-in & Out #
As managers may still need to produce a timesheet or simply be monitored for attendance, you have access to all the features that regular employees have, this includes accept shifts, checking in and out etc.
To read more about how employees can use urhere, click the link below.
Viewing the Roster / Schedule via the App #
At bottom of the app, you will see tabs. The manager tab allows you access to the roster.

The default manager tab gives you a month by month outlook of your roster.
Navigating the App Based Roster #
The app based roster allows you to view your schedule in monthly blocks.
To change months, simply swipe left or right to change the viewing month or use the arrows at the top of the screen.

To view an individual day or to edit shifts for a particular day, click on the appropriate day number.
Daily Statistics
When you have selected a day, you will be able to view more detailed information about the shifts on those days.

Refreshing the Roster View
As time progresses, it’s a good idea to refresh periodically to get a real time view of the roster. To do this, simply swipe down on the calendar to refresh.

Adding Shifts via the Managers Tab #
To add a shift via the managers tab, simply choose the day, scroll down and select the “New Shift” button.
This will pop a window very similar to the one you’re used to on the website interface. Simply fill out the shift details and the shift will be added and the employee will be alerted.
Once you have selected an employee the rest of the field will show.

Editing Shifts via the Manager Tab #
Similar to the New Shift instructions, scroll down and select the shift you wish to edit.

Tip: This feature is particularly useful for No Show staff swapping and adding last minute leave.

Removing / Deleting a Shift from the Managers App #
You can easily remove a shift by selected the appropriate shift and selecting the delete button.